III Percent Patriots Battle Flag

Rightful Liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal Rights of others..
Monday, May 26, 2014
Time to discuss
This conversation will make some people angry, and others not.
I have spent the last week fundraising for 3 different III Projects. One for one of our proudest Patriots who needed some personal help. The second Project was the first step in building bridges between we the III, and our Organized Militia allies. Make no mistake, those men are III to the f'n bone. Finally I was fundraising for the T.O.C., another project that evolved from Brock's PatCon - the concept is simple: When there is a fight, and there will be fights - the III intends to show up with specific primary and secondary missions. We're loosely calling it the Liberty Support Teams (we can change it) and the physical vehicle to be used by the Teams is the Tactical Operations Center - T.O.C. That one seems to resonate with our military brothers.
I have said many times over the last 4 years that fundraising sucks. I despise it. Even for the most righteous causes in the world, the act of sticking out my hand and asking people to open their wallets is repugnant to me. But I do it. I do it because it has to be done to accomplish some of the goals we have decided we wanted to accomplish.
I am proud to say that every single time I have pushed myself into fundraising mode for a cause that we III Patriots found worthy, we have succeeded. Not me - we. Every single time, you Patriots have come through. You Patriots financed getting the III on the radio, and our friend Russ Longcore (a professional voiceover artist) cut the track for us. You Patriots financed the insane proposition of starting a firearms company that would carry our most prized possession - our III symbol. That company does not pay a single Human Being a dime, as was our plan. You supported III Arms, knowing it would be the financial cornerstone of yet another III Project that seemed insane to many people - the Citadel. Was the Citadel a success? Oh yes. I do not mention it much online anymore because it has evolved, but there are people living in Idaho right now, people moving to Idaho, to build that community of like-minded Patriots on a simple principle: Rightful Liberty.
You are responsible for these successes. Every one of you, whether you sent money, commented across blogs and forums, sent us your prayers and well-wishes, or like Jim Miller, decided to dive into a lifelong dream and begin building firearms for Patriots. There has not been one single bad review of one single product Jim has ever turned out of his shop. I promise you the 1911 Jim Miller ships to you will rival any custom 1911 on the market. You Patriots gave Jim Miller the opportunity to live his dream, and in return, III Patriots have succeeded in building the financial cornerstone of our Citadel.
Cohesion and morale among this group of III Patriots is tighter and higher than I have ever seen. During one of the many tussles between myself and SSI Alan Mullenax said very succinctly (paraphrase) - "we're not ignoring - we're picking sides". That group of Patriots who meets twice each year at Brock's NC PatCon is simply remarkable. The group of Patriots who visit WRSA and "our" blogs are remarkable. I have literally filled several thousand IIIGear orders, and despite a few hiccups (which get cleared up one way or another) I get a personal and deep sense of accomplishment anytime I show up at an event and I see people from all over the country flying IIIGear. (By the way - if anyone is waiting on an order, let me know in email: Kerodin@Kerodin.com) That is cohesion. Morale is evident and rising higher. We know we are in for a fight. We know we will probably die. I don't hear any whining about it.
Now is the time to eliminate the one true drawback to every political organization: Cashflow. Everything we do and everything we want to do requires money. And the simple reality is that most of us are never more than a few paychecks from missing a mortgage payment - and we know the economy is not going to improve. When I stick my hand out for T.O.C. or any other fundraising, I know people are choosing what gets paid on-time this month, and what doesn't.
Brock's PatCon was a very busy place this spring. One of the topics touched upon briefly by some of us has turned into a deep and serious undertaking. We absolutely must find an end to our financial woes. And since Mr. Koch isn't writing us checks, one more time either we do it, or it won't get done. The model for every successful agenda-driven political organization in America is Membership. The dues are kept low, and the revenue stream makes it possible to finance things like the T.O.C. without the embarrassing out-stretched hand.
We need to talk about it, seriously. The first concern most III Patriots will have - the first one I had - no organization gets to decide who is, and who is not, a III Patriot. That is absolutely true and will not change. Leaderless Resistance will remain Leaderless Resistance with all that means. Our III organization will simply be certain III Patriots who have decided to come together, form an organization, and move forward.
Question two will probably be: Who decides if we spend money on a T.O.C. or a hot tub? That one is even easier. In a business it is the "Bylaws" that spell out what the company (in this case a non-profit) may, and may not, do. Who controls the money? Such a non-profit must have at least 3 officers, who may or may not also be on the Board of Directors. One of those officers is the Treasurer - and that person is responsible for every penny in and out of the non-profit, consistent with the bylaws.
There is much to be discussed, and way too much for a single post.
Because we have a few people who will 1) lose their shit over this conversation and 2) try to derail anything and everything in which I participate - this is already a done deal, legally. I created a non-profit in 2012 for such an eventuality, and we have a full 27 months from the time we begin operations to file with IRS to be granted our 501(c)(4) status. (A 527 is not the right vehicle for this type organization). You and I may ultimately decide NOT to do it, but no one can STOP US if we choose to go forward.
So, what that means is - there isn't a single legal way anyone can pee in our Cheerios. ;)
Our discussion is what we do, how we do it, who we assign/vote to be Board Members, Officers, accept bylaws, then begin accepting members. Thus begins our true political power in an organized format, and marks the end of having to demean ourselves by having to extend our hands for fundraisers.
Early discussions have suggested 2 tiers of annual memberships: $10/month and $20/month. also a lifetime membership like so many organizations offer. Lifetime Members would be awarded greater influence in the organization - but ALL of this is to be discussed. I'll probably let all members into CQB free, discounts on IIIGear, Lapel Pins and special Membership-only patches/decals as part of membership, etc. We'll discuss it.
We've all been members of organizations that abandoned their stated intent and disappointed us.
They are hogs at a trough with an agenda.
Our mission is simple: Restore Rightful Liberty in North America.
Nothing more or less.
So let us discuss. Let us grow our official numbers to such that Oathkeepers and NRA and elected Federal Politicians quake at our name.
For we are not AARP.
We are the III.
We are the sons and daughters of the original III Percent Patriots who dared meet the world's most powerful Army on the Green in a tiny New England town and say "No." The same way a thousand or so Patriots recently faced down the BLM and simply said "No."
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Start simple, Patriots: What does your gut say? What do you want to see? What do you want NOT to see?
ReplyDeleteGreetings Brothers and Sisters. I think it IS time for this step in our evolution. I think, to be able to state our goals, tailor an organization to accomplish these goals, and chart a course to accomplish them we might first have to locate our Rubicon. Where is our line in the concrete (not sand, too shifty) that says "Thus far and no farther." What conditions will define the moment that our Lexington, our Selma, our NOMI begins. As per Claire Wolfe (sp?) has said, It is too late to vote/change the system, and now is the time for "kinetic action?" Personally, I think the day after the mid-term elections will start the Obama End Game. Let's talk ...
ReplyDeleteGreetings Brothers and Sisters. I think it IS time for this step in our evolution. I think, to be able to state our goals, tailor an organization to accomplish these goals, and chart a course to accomplish them we might first have to locate our Rubicon. Where is our line in the concrete (not sand, too shifty) that says "Thus far and no farther." What conditions will define the moment that our Lexington, our Selma, our NOMI begins. As per Claire Wolfe (sp?) has said, It is too late to vote/change the system, and now is the time for "kinetic action?" Personally, I think the day after the mid-term elections will start the Obama End Game. Let's talk ...
ReplyDeleteAbove all else, complete and utter transparency. The fed.gov will have eyes and ears on the inside, spooks reading emails, bugged phones, and all that spy shit. Nothing that isn't verbal communication between clean individuals in remote settings will be known, so there's no point in secrecy. Transparency breeds trust.
ReplyDeletePursuant to that point, all activities must be squeaky clean and 100% legal/moral. The smear machine is already running in full force, we cannot give them any ammunition whatsoever. The sheep baaa in delight watching the Branch Davidians burn because of child molestation allegations. (it's interesting to see people's reactions when one inquires why the ATF was investigating alleged child abuse). Every action by the group and its members must be assumed to be completely monitored by the authorities. Reid, Holder, et al, are just itching for an excuse to declare martial law and start the ninja raids - we cannot give them a reason.
It should be assumed that agent provocateurs and moles will be sent to join this group. Anybody who advocates offensive action, terrorism, drug running, or any other illegal action must be purged and renounced, swiftly and visibly.
This is first and foremost a battle for the hearts and minds of the American People. As those in the III community have recently written about, the success of any revolutionary movement depends utterly on popular support. No amount of small arms training or rucking is going to beat the leviathan without popular support. We must therefore be as pure as the driven snow.
As far as fund-raising, I suspect people would be more inclined to provide in-kind support than cash. Belts are getting pretty tight out here. It'd be a lot easier, for example, to find a guy with an old bus with a working engine, a mechanic to tune that engine, and a trucker to ship that engine to you than to raise the cash needed to get things done entirely by pay. Every swap-meet transaction gives the middle finger to the taxman as a bonus.
I will follow what the majority decide. I will volunteer my talents with Databases, data mining and data warehouses to the organization. I also volunteer my services in any endeavor that I am asked to participate in.
ReplyDeleteI am poor but II will go without to further Rightful Liberty. Use me as you will. I do have ideas that if asked for, I will share backchannel.
Every position be a volunteer position to be rotated so nobody gets to comfortable...
ReplyDeleteK, I think a detailed scope of the III communities purpose and goals is the first step in any project. Defining who, what, how and when will put perspective on what we are trying to accomplish. But it will also keep us from being short sighted and pursuing things that are not with in the scope, otherwise known as scope creep. How many times have we all got so fixated on one detail that we lose sight of the big picture? So #1 - Purpose, we have that stated already, a return to Jeffersonian rightful liberty. #2 - Goals, both short term and long term. Such as short term, getting the TOC fully equipped and teams trained in it's use. Long term, a massive campaign to get liberty minded individuals that don't know about the III community exposed to it and show the benefits of being a III. I never knew I was III until I stumbled across Kenny's blog a few years ago. #3 - Who, this will always be the most difficult for obvious reasons. #4 - When, or milestones for set goals that people are held accountable for. This process works in multi million dollar companies and should prove successful for us also if done correctly.
Sounds like a solid plan (Bylaw's and such) The concept of making the whole thing a 'non profit' more attractive and should give the organization more legal protection and legitimacy I believe, as well as attracting a greater range of possible donors.
As I said before Kerodin' I have never met you or anyone from your organization. I hope to meet yourself and others sometime in the future. Maybe when the T.O.C is up and running you could do a tour of certain states if nothing is going on at the time, and show off the vehicle to members of the III Patriots.
(Maybe also you could install "the hot tub" in the back of the T.O.C and fill it with ice and a keg of good Texas beer:)
Sam; check your email.
ReplyDeleteI think you may have said this above but let me say it in a different way: with any 'membership", an individual DOES NOT PAY TO BE a IIIPercent Patriot nor any other brand-name of Patriot. Rather, that individual is committing to act as a IIIPercent Patriot, choosing to side with others who are standing for Rightful Liberty. It is through that commitment the individual has opportunity to participate in the effort of restoring those things which have been taken from us. This is not nor should be an organization of "what can I get from it" but "what can I do to help", "how can I participate", what have I to offer" this or any fight that is agreed upon to enter.
ReplyDeleteWhat are our intentions? To assist in the re-establishment of Rightful Liberty as that phrase is interpreted by our Founding Fathers. Therefore, we need: To provide education, both in and out of the classroom using any and all means available to us; To support through advertisment those who offer education and training ; To provide material and/or moral support for others who are actively engaged in resisting the further encroachment of what Liberties which are left.
In addition to annual dues, a separate "benevolent" fund be established for the financial assistance of IIIPercent members only who have expressed an immediate and dire need for such. Said fund should be established with and maintained by direct contributions as well as 10% of every month's membership dues. When any individual "signs on", it should be with the express understanding that a portion of all monthly/annual dues will be used in support of the needy within our ranks. It's about III to III.
Decisions regarding which "fight" to fight should be made by first a collective membership vote then finally by the officers of the organization. In the instance of the collective vote being split between going and not, the officers votes carry the decision and the organization follows that decision. However, individuals have the liberty to always act out of conscience in every matter.
Just some thoughts... maybe a starting place - or not.
Lets do it. $10 a month and I'm in.
ReplyDeleteAzrael, GA Milita
Ok, the political mission of the Org is to, "Restore Rightful Liberty in North America."
ReplyDeleteCan't go along with that as a mission statement. Good fences make good neighbors. Self-determination is key here. North America is comprised of 3 countries, each with their own culture and political views. Jefferson himself limited his concern to rightful liberty within the confines of the several States.
As OP said, "Build the backbone first, and then the ribs...."
So, what is it about this proposed organization that will differentiate it significantly enough from other similar fraternal organizations that also provides the ROI for prospective members?
The answer to that would be the backbone to me....or at least the start of a serious back-bone building discussion....
My .02
I'm all for it. We should not wait until after the party starts to bring in funds; we should be doing it now, building a 'war chest' to do the things that need doing, so that we are prepared when the need arises.
ReplyDeletethis is the LONGNIGHTRIDER,,, I can not make this soft. You, SIR are not keeping the cards close to the vest. Followed this blog for a year. You need to go back review what you have said, taught. The great problem that I have, IS, Paragraph#7, ( Now is the time to eliminate the true drawback to every political organization :cash flow). THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE, RULES THE NEXT YOUNG OF THIS NATION. (PS:::KNUCKLE DRAGING THROUGH LIFE) USING THE SAME BANDER?????
ReplyDelete" I created a non-profit in 2012 for such an eventuality, and we have a full 27 months from the time we begin operations to file with IRS to be granted our 501(c)(4) status. "
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I understand why you would want to be subject to a foreign corporation that has shown recently that it is hostile to us and why we exist. Just sayin aren't they a major part of the whole problem anyway? I was even contemplating buying a case of III ropes just for them....that's what my gut says.
A self funding enterprise is a good thing for the III. I’m in.
ReplyDeleteRichard R Deaver III
Start simple? is that possible? with this crowd? ;)
ReplyDeleteHere's my minus $1.62:
IF Liberty Minded Intelligent Individuals can agree to follow the bylaws, and follow directions as necessary, the membership structure will work. Note that I did not say people should check their egos at the door, I won't ever ask someone in this group to be who they aren't, but it goes against the grain for some to follow directions, because that requires implicit trust no matter what. Having typed that, lol, I don't want to see the backstabbing that oathkritters is known for, and some other groups, notably the NAGR, the National Organization for Gun Rights and Dudley Brown, the facepiece. I've read enough negative info about that group to mark them as useful idiots and backstabbers. Anthony Martin at the Examiner has written about that group, if I remember correctly.
My gut says that less than 50% of the individuals that commit to this will stay the course for the long term, which to me is measured in decades rather than months. And this view is with the knowledge that I could only have days left, I know I'm on a list, I just don't know when someone will drive around to check me out. But if I accomplish nothing else for the Restoration of Liberty, I'm satisfied with having met you and others that have the knowledge and spirit of resistance, and will not surrender it easily.
I'll sign up in a few days.
I don't want to see this become a club and I sure as hell don't want this to become like the Oathkeepers. There is relevance in numbers and those that have been the Lone Wolf can maybe start to flourish with this idea that is two fold:
ReplyDelete1) Networking
2) Side Line cheerleading for a III cause can be a little less hectic.
I still think though with the premise of issues we all may face in life, who is to say "my problem is bigger than your problem" and whose panties are going to get twisted as a III'per for being a member, but potentially being voted against for his/her problem?
It is easy to get bent out of shape in life as we all have our ups and downs. I have had issues in the past 15 years. The most recent 2 years of that 15 have been the worst and I think the only being that definitely knew about it was God. My wife had a slight idea, but not fully aware of the whole problem. I didn't ask for help and if I did, be it moral or monetary, if the vote was not in my favor or support was not there, I would be a liar to say I was not a little hurt based on the relationships that have been built over the years and what I would have expected. But you see, that's the human trait in us all. Our self worth. And coming out of what I dealt with, the last thing that I would want to face would have been my Patriot Brothers voting NO when I may have needed them most.
That could be the straw that broke the camels back, or to be more blunt, that may have been force to click the safety off and go to sleep permanently. The world is a shitstorm and like it or not, we all still feel. So in the end, who is to say what's more important?
In Liberty,
did my comments ever get posted? important thing is you saw them...
ReplyDeletequestion 1 no
2 yes
3 yes
4 good
5 yes
ive taken that oath many times i havent changed, they have